Thursday, April 24, 2014

You are a Beautiful Life

So I'm in this women's studies class, and I really just cannot stand it. The whole class is about feminism, and I knew I wasn't a feminist before the class, but wow! I really couldn't believe just how incredibly unBiblical the whole feminist belief is. Actually, there are aspects that are absolutely Biblical causes, but they are taken in a completely God-less, nonscriptural manner.

The feminist thought is that women are all beautiful in their natural state, no make-up, no bra, etc. Also, feminism says that sexism has put these restraints on women, that sexism is to blame for the low self-esteem women have and the unrealistic expectations for their body to look a certain way. They say that women need to band together in sisterhood to overcome these sexist thoughts.

But that's not the case. Sexism is not the problem. Sin is the problem. Every girl wants to look like someone else because they don't feel beautiful enough. But this wasn't created by sexism. It was created by pride, by lust, by discontentment. Women should feel beautiful just the way they are. But that should not be decided by other women. Yes women should build each other up instead of tearing each other down, but that should not be the basis for self-worth.

We were made in God's image! He made us to be beautiful!

Did you know that everyone is beautiful just the way they are? Or that the only times the word "ugly" is used in the Bible is to describe the seven skinny cows in Pharaoh's dream?

And when God made man and woman, He said that it was good! He made us in His image, and He was very pleased with it. God does not create rubbish. He only creates the finest jewels.

Our identity should be found in Him, and in Him alone. He created you to be the very best you, and no one else could possibly be a more beautiful you. He made you to look just the way you do, and there is nothing wrong with you.

You are worthy of the love of a good man, a man who deserves a jewel like you. No matter what anyone has told you, your body is perfect. You are beautiful inside and out. You do not need to change for anyone because if they don't love you where you're at or they choose to tear you down instead of building you up, then they don't belong in your life.

Find people who want to build you up and want you to love yourself as much as they love you. Be healed in God's love, and let others love you. You are worthy.

You do not need to take up anorexia or bulimia. You do not need to weigh less than you do. You are not fat. You are beautiful in the Father's eyes, and there will be men who find you attractive just as you are, and other girls who would love to look like you. Beauty is inside of you. All you have to do is believe that it's there, and trust that God (you know, the creator of the whole universe) knew what He was doing when he designed every detail of who you are, from the way you laugh, to your thighs, your stomache, your emotions, and your ability to learn to love yourself.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Life, sometimes it comes with regrets

We all have regrets, whether we wish we hadn't done something or we feel that we missed out on something. And we have all been told that it isn't good to dwell on those regrets. But we do it anyways. Maybe not all the time, but we do dwell on our regrets at least short periods of time. And sometimes those regrets overcome us.

Is it possible, that it's actually good to dwell sometimes? I think so. It's good to look back and reflect, to think about what we would change if we could. If I could change anything I would go back to my freshman year of high school, work my butt off to be the best athlete I could be, and instead of just playing volleyball, I would have played softball too. I would've still been home schooled, but I would have continued to play sports at my original high school, and probably would have found a way to afford to play club volleyball in the off seasons. And just maybe, I would have gone straight to a university instead of spending two years at a community college. That's really my biggest regret. I feel like I missed out on something by not living on campus my freshman year, meeting a bunch of people. And yes, I could still live in dorms next year, but why would I want to do that as a junior?

But in all honesty, there are certain things in my life now that I would never trade for these experiences I missed out on. I would never in a million years trade meeting the man I'm going to marry for my athletic career. And honestly, that's all. I would probably give up everything else, good or bad, that has taken place because of the decisions I've made.

No, I'm not throwing a pity party. I am simply deciding not to ignore the fact that life follows choice. I chose not to play volleyball anymore, to not apply to any colleges because I thought college wasn't for me, to give up on dreams and on myself. I am recognizing that I caused my life to go the way it has. No, I don't hate my life. I may greatly dislike certain things about it, but there are other things that I love even more.

I love my boyfriend, and I really liked being a nanny, and I'm now attending one of the top psychology programs in America. I have good friends, and go to a church I really like, and I'll be getting married in about 1 year.

It's okay to dwell on our regrets, as long as we also meditate on the blessings we are thankful for. Sometimes we have to look at the crap first in order to fix our vision God. We have to learn to appreciate everything that he has given us because in the blink of an eye it could all be gone. It's good to remember where we started, and all the progress we have made since. It's essential to know where we have failed, and where we have succeeded. God has great plans for us, and sometimes, that's easier to understand when we look back and see all the things that have turned out for the better. He makes all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28).

Do I wish the last 3 or 4 years of my life had gone a little differently? Sure. But I would never trade it for where my life is heading.