Sunday, January 19, 2014

Life is a Lifelong Journey

Have you ever taken a trip? The answer is most likely yes. There are some you look back on with fondness and others that you wish had never happened.

But what about life's journey? Have you ever stopped to think about whether the life you're living is one you will look back on one day and be proud of?

Really though, think about it. Chances are that there are many things that you wish you could change...but we can't change the past. All we can do is use what we have learned from the past to make better choices in the future.

Or would you rather be one your death bed one day wishing you had done things differently? You never hear anyone say they wish they had worked more or traveled less, so spend more time with family and even with friends too, and go see the world while you still come. If you are still young, unmarried, not responsible for anyone else then you need to get your butt off of the computer and go see the world.

Now don't be stupid and drop out of school just so you can go have some adventures. You have breaks. So go spend new years eve in time square. Camp out on the streets with a bunch of friends the night before a parade or some other big event. Spend your spring break at the beach. Go to Europe for a semester to study abroad, and visit all the countries you can while you're there.

And when you fall in love, get married. Don't wait five and ten years and be in your late twenties or even your thirties when you finally decide to tie the knot. And love them with all of your being. Don't hold back. Make sure that they never go a day without knowing that you love them.

And just because you're married doesn't mean that you have to start popping out babies immediately. Give it a year or two so that you can just enjoy each other a enjoy married life.

Then, when you're ready, start a family. And don't just be around. Be fully in the lives of every one of your children from day one. Be present. Be involved. Don't smother them to resentment, but love them as much as u can. Spend time with your spouse and kids whenever you have the chance. Give up that job promotion if you can afford to, because your job will NEVER be as important as your family.

Your life is a legacy. It is a journey that you travel every day. It is a series of choices and the results of the choices made. So be careful what you choose because your life, your legacy, and your journey all depend on it.

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